Fetching Authenticated User

The show method in the AuhUserController class is used to fetch the authenticated user. It returns a UserResource instance for the authenticated user.

public function show(Request $request)
    return new UserResource($request->user());

Updating Authenticated User

The update method in the AuhUserController class is used to update the authenticated user’s details. It accepts an UpdateUserRequest instance which validates the incoming request data. The rules method of this class specifies that the name, email, and password fields are optional, but if provided, they must meet certain criteria.

public function update(UpdateUserRequest $request): UserResource

    return new UserResource($request->user());

Deleting Authenticated User

The destroy method in the AuhUserController class is used to delete the authenticated user. It deletes the authenticated user from the database and returns a success message.

public function destroy(Request $request)

    return response()->successMessage('User deleted successfully');


The routes for fetching, updating, and deleting the authenticated user are defined in the routes/auth.php file. All these routes use the AuhUserController class, and the show, update, and destroy methods respectively. These routes are grouped under a middleware that ensures only authenticated users can access them.

Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/user', [AuhUserController::class, 'show']);
    Route::patch('/user', [AuhUserController::class, 'update']);
    Route::delete('/user', [AuhUserController::class, 'destroy']);

This concludes the overview of the authenticated user logic in the application.