For Initial Setup check out the Stripe docs from Larafast on how to setup One-time payments and Subscriptions.

Subscriptions and One-time Payments

Unlike for TALL or VILT stack, in the API we cannot redirect users directly to the payment page. Instead, we need to create a checkout session and return the checkout url to the Frontend or Mobile App. The client then uses the url to redirect the user to the payment page.


To create a subscription, you can use subscriptionCheckout method.

It requires priceparameter.Theprice parameter. The `price` is the price id from Stripe Store.

public function subscriptionCheckout(Request $request, $price)
    $user = $request->user();

    if ($user->subscribedToPrice($price)) {
        return response()->errorMessage('You are already subscribed to that plan');

    if ($user->subscribed() && $user->subscription()?->valid()) {

        return response()->successMessage('You have successfully subscribed to '.$price.' plan');

    $checkoutData = $user->newSubscription('default', $price)
        ->allowPromotionCodes() // Remove allowPromotionCodes() if you do not allow promo codes
            'success_url' => config('app.frontend_url').'?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}',
            'cancel_url' => config('app.frontend_url').'?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}&error=1',

    return response()->success($checkoutData);

$checkoutData will contain the checkout session id and the url to redirect the user to the payment page.

success_url and cancel_url are the urls that the user will be redirected to after the payment is successful or canceled.

Make sure to add FRONTEND_URL in your .env file.

One-time Payments

To create a one-time payment, you can use the productCheckout method. It requires $price parameter. The $price is the price id in Stripe.

public function productCheckout(Request $request, $price)
    $checkoutData = $request->user()->checkout($price, [
        'success_url' => config('app.frontend_url').'?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}',
        'cancel_url' => config('app.frontend_url').'?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}&error=1',

    return response()->success($checkoutData);

$checkoutData will contain the checkout session id and the url to redirect the user to the payment page.

success_url and cancel_url are the urls that the user will be redirected to after the payment is successful or canceled.

After successful payment, the user will be redirected to the success_url with the session_id in the query string.

Use the session id to retrieve the payment details and update the user’s subscription or product. Send the session_id to the backend to verify the payment.

public function success(Request $request): RedirectResponse
    $sessionId = $request->get('session_id');

    try {
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
        return response()->errorMessage('Something went wrong');

    // If checkout was successful, you can add your logic here
    // For example, you can update user columns, add points, etc.
    // Alternatively you can do the same in the StripeEventListener.php file by listening to the event from Stripe Webhook

    return response()->successMessage('You have successfully subscribed');


Check out the Webhook docs from Larafast on how to setup the webhook for Stripe.

Billing Portal

If you want to allow users to manage their subscriptions, you can use the billing portal. Redirect the user to the billing portal url to allow them to manage their subscriptions.

public function billing(Request $request): Response
    $url = $request->user()->billingPortalUrl(config('app.frontend_url'));

    return \response()->success(['url' => $url]);

User should be a Stripe customer (means purchased a product or have a subscription) to access the billing portal.