For Initial Setup check out the LemonSqueezy docs from Larafast on how to setup One-time payments and Subscriptions.


To get the list of products, you can use the following method:

public function products(LemonSqueezyService $lemonSqueezyService)
    $products = $lemonSqueezyService->products();
    // Uncomment the line below to cache the products
    // It will cache the products forever, so you will need to clear the cache to get the latest products from the API
    // after every deployment (php artisan cache:clear)

    // $products = Cache::rememberForever('lemonsqueezy-products', static fn () => $lemonSqueezyService->products());

    return response()->success($products['data']);

It uses the products method from the LemonSqueezyService class to get the list of products. LemonSqueezyService is a service class that contains all the methods to interact with the LemonSqueezy API.

You can cache the products to reduce the number of requests to the LemonSqueezy API. Uncomment the lines below the $products variable to cache the products.

Subscriptions and One-time Payments

Unlike for TALL or VILT stack, in the API we cannot redirect users directly to the payment page. Instead, we need to create a checkout session and return the checkout url to the Frontend or Mobile App. The client then uses the url to redirect the user to the payment page.


To create a subscription, you can use subscriptionCheckout method.

It requires productandproduct and variant as parameters. The $product is the product id from LemonSqueezy Store and $variant is the variant id.

public function subscriptionCheckout(Request $request, $product, $variant): JsonResponse
    $user = $request->user();

    if ($user->subscription()?->hasVariant($variant)) {
        return response()->errorMessage('You are already subscribed to that plan');

    if ($user->subscribed() && $user->subscription()?->valid()) {
            ->swap($product, $variant);

        return response()->successMessage('You have successfully subscribed to '.$variant.' plan');

    return response()->success(['url' => $user->subscribe($variant)->url()]);

Redirect the user to the returned url to complete the payment.

One-time Payments

To create a one-time payment, you can use the productCheckout method. It requires $variantId parameter. The $variant is the variant id in LemonSqueezy Store.

public function productCheckout(Request $request, $variantId): JsonResponse
    return response()->success([
        'url' => $request->user()->checkout($variantId)->redirectTo(config('app.frontend_url'))->url()

Redirect the user to the returned url to complete the payment.


Check out the Webhook docs from Larafast on how to setup the webhook for LemonSqueezy.

Billing Portal

If you want to allow users to manage their subscriptions, you can use the billing portal. Redirect the user to the billing portal url to allow them to manage their subscriptions.

public function billing(Request $request): Response
    return response()->success(['url' => $request->user()->customerPortalUrl()]);

User should be a LemonSqueezy customer (means purchased a product or have a subscription) to access the billing portal.