Connect LemonSqueezy to Project

  1. Create a LemonSqueezy Account and set up your store

Setup API Keys

To connect LemonSqueezy to the Larafast project you need to set API keys.

  1. Create an API token in your account from
  2. Add LEMON_SQUEEZY_API_KEY= variable to .env file with API key
  3. Add Store ID to .env LEMON_SQUEEZY_STORE=

You can find your store ID in your Settings->Stores page

P.S. Use it without #, (made that mistake by myself :D )


To publish LemonSqueezy migration files, run the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lemon-squeezy-migrations"


Create your products in LemonSqueezy -> and choose “Subscription” for the pricing option.

After the product is created, copy the Product ID and Variant ID to use in the subscription checkout URL.
To find a Product ID and Variant ID, go to your products page->

Unlike Stripe, LemonSqueezy requires and product and variant ID to be sent for checkout.

Checkout URL:

Route::get('subscription-checkout/{productId}/{variantId}', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'subscriptionCheckout'])->name('subscription.checkout');

That’s it. You are ready to accept subscriptions 🙌

Single Payment Products

Create your products in LemonSqueezy -> and choose “Single Payment” for the pricing option.

After the product is created, copy the Variant ID to use in the product checkout URL.
To find a Variant ID, go to your products page->

For Single Payment products, you need only variant ID

Checkout URL:

Route::get('product-checkout/{variantId}', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'productCheckout'])->name('product.checkout');

If you want to have a product checkout without logged in users, use LemonSqueezyService.php to retrieve products and product buy now links.

LemonSqueezy URL’s

Larafast comes with all URL’s pre-defined, you can find them in routes/web.php

Route::prefix('lemonsqueezy')->name('lemonsqueezy.')->group(function () {
    Route::get('subscription-checkout/{productId}/{variantId}', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'subscriptionCheckout'])->name('subscription.checkout');
    // If your product checkout does not require auth user,
    // move this part outside "auth:sanctum" middleware and change the logic inside method
    Route::get('product-checkout/{variantId}', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'productCheckout'])->name('product.checkout');
    Route::get('billing', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'billing'])->name('billing'); // Redirects to Customer Portal


Use pre-defined Http/Middleware/Subscribed middleware for subscription-protected routes.

Route::middleware([Subscribed::class])->group(function () {
    // Add endpoints that are only for subscribed users

Customer Portal

To redirect users to their Customer Portal for Subscription and Orders management use /billing route

Route::get('billing', [LemonSqueezyController::class, 'billing'])->name('billing'); // Redirects to Customer Portal


Finally, make sure to set up incoming webhooks. This is both needed in development and production.

Webhooks In Development

The easiest way to set this up while developing your app is with the php artisan lmsqueezy:listen command that ships with this package. This command will setup a webhook through the Lemon Squeezy API, start listening for any events and remove the webhook when quitting the command.

php artisan lmsqueezy:listen

Although this command should always cleanup the webhook after itself, you may wish to cleanup any lingering webhooks with the --cleanup flag:

php artisan lmsqueezy:listen --cleanup

Currently, this command supports Ngrok and Expose.

Webhooks In Production

For production, we’ll need to set things manually. Go to your Lemon Squeezy’s webhook settings and point the URL to your app’s domain. The path you should point to is /lemon-squeezy/webhook by default. Make sure to select all event types.

We also very much recommend to verify webhook signatures in production.


To read more about Laravel and LemonSqueezy integration check the LemonSqueezy Laravel package doc->