Larafast comes with Spatie Laravel Permission package pre-installed. This package allows you to manage user roles and permissions in your Laravel application.

If you have updated your exising Larafast project, make sure to run migrations to add the necessary tables to your database.


Creating Roles

There are two ways to create roles in your application:

  1. Using RoleSeeder.php

database/seeders/RoleSeeder.php file contains two pre-defined roles: user and admin

Run seeder command to add these roles to the database:

php artisan db:seed --class=RoleSeeder
  1. Using Admin Dashboard

You can also create roles using the Admin Dashboard. Visit /admin/roles route in your browser and click on the “New Role” button.

Creating Permissions

Permissions can be created in a similar way:

  1. Using PermissionSeeder.php

database/seeders/PermissionSeeder.php file contains a few pre-defined permissions

Run seeder command to add these permissions to the database:

php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionSeeder
  1. Using Admin Dashboard

You can also create permissions using the Admin Dashboard. Visit /admin/permissions route in your browser and click on the “New Permission” button.

Assigning Roles and Permissions

Roles and permissions can be assigned to users using the Admin Dashboard.

  1. Visit /admin/users route in your browser

  2. Click on the “Edit” button next to the user you want to assign roles/permissions to

  3. Click on the “Roles” or “Permissions” tab and assign the desired roles/permissions


You can protect routes using the role and permission middleware provided by the Spatie Laravel Permission package.

Route::get('/admin', function () {
Route::get('/admin', function () {
})->middleware('permission:edit articles');


The HasRoles trait also adds role and withoutRole scopes to your models to scope the query to certain roles or permissions:

$users = User::role('writer')->get(); // Returns only users with the role 'writer'
$nonEditors = User::withoutRole('editor')->get(); // Returns only users without the role 'editor'

The role and withoutRole scopes can accept a string, a \Spatie\Permission\Models\Role object or an \Illuminate\Support\Collection object.

The same trait also adds scopes to only get users that have or don’t have a certain permission.

$users = User::permission('edit articles')->get(); // Returns only users with the permission 'edit articles' (inherited or directly)
$usersWhoCannotEditArticles = User::withoutPermission('edit articles')->get(); // Returns all users without the permission 'edit articles' (inherited or directly)

The scope can accept a string, a \Spatie\Permission\Models\Permission object or an \Illuminate\Support\Collection object.

To learn more about the Spatie Laravel Permission package, refer to the official documentation: Spatie Laravel Permission