Laravel LemonSqueezy package default checkouts are made for only registered users, same for webhooks to save orders. But you can use LemonSqueezy API to create checkouts for non-auth users and save orders in your database.;

Check the LemonSqueezy Webhooks for Non-Auth Users guide for Non-Auth users integration.

To get product payment links and use them for non-auth users, you can use app/Services/LemonSqueezyService.php ( Remember to add LemonSqueezyServiceProvider::class to the config/app.php providers list)

LemonSqueezyService uses LemonSqueezyAPI ->


To retrieve the products, use the products() method from the Service,



For each product, you can retrieve its own variant by providing the product ID,

public function variants($productId)
    return $this->client->get('variants?filter[product_id]='.$productId)->json();

Products with no variants

If your product does not have any variants, in other words, if it has only one price, in the Product Object attributes you will see “buy_now_url” which can be used for checkout.

To apply the discount code in the checkout URL you can add the following after your URL


Products with multiple variants

If the product has multiple variants, to create a checkout URL dynamically use the “checkout” method from the Service. The checkout method accepts variant ID and creates URL.

public function checkout($variant)
    return $this->client->post('checkouts', [
        'data' => [
            'type' => 'checkouts',
            'attributes' => [
                'product_options' => array_filter([
                    'enabled_variants' => [(string) $variant],
                'expires_at' => null,
            'relationships' => [
                'store' => [
                    'data' => [
                        'type' => 'stores',
                        'id' => $this->store,
                'variant' => [
                    'data' => [
                        'type' => 'variants',
                        'id' => (string) $variant,

Example for Single Variant Products

// Cache products forever, to not do API request on each visit of the page
// Make sure to clear the cache after each deployment or when something changes in Product data

$products = Cache::rememberForever('lemonsqueezy-products', static fn () => app(LemonSqueezyService::class)->products());

$products = collect($products['data'])
// exclude non-published
$products->filter(fn ($product) => $product['attributes']['status'] === 'published')
    // Sort them by price
    ->sortByDesc(fn ($product) => $product['attributes']['price'])
    ->map(function ($product) {
        $attributes = $product['attributes'];
        // LemonSqueezy as other payment providers saves price in cents,
        // so dividing it to 100 to get USD
        $price = (int) $attributes['price'] / 100;

        $plan = match ($attributes['name']) {
            'Starter' => 'starter',
            default => 'unlimited'

        return [
            'name' => $attributes['name'],
            'slug' => $attributes['slug'],
            'plan' => $plan,
            'price' => $price,
            'bestseller' => $plan === 'unlimited',
            'discounted_price' => $price - 100,
            'url' => $attributes['buy_now_url'].'?checkout%5Bdiscount_code%5D=LAUNCH10OFF',
            // I keep all plan features in config files and load them dynamically based on plan slug
            'features' => config('plans.' . $plan . '.features')

Use $products variable in your view files to display pricing tables

To read about LemonSqueezy integration for Auth users, check the LemonSqueezy for Auth Users guide.