It’s very important to understand from where users visiting the website and which visits turned into purchase from users.

In this tutorial I will show you how I track users unique visits and match them with their purchases when you don’t have auth users.

Model and Migrations

Let’s create a model and migrations first, to store our traffic data.

php artisan make:model Traffic -m

Add necessary columns to traffic migration file.

public function up(): void
    Schema::create('traffic', function (Blueprint $table) {

If you need to track more query params, feel free to add other columns here.

In the App\Models\Traffic.php cast the “data” to “json” or “array”. In the data column we will store all request params, in case if some of them were not listed separately, to have everything collected.

protected $casts = ['data' => 'json'];

Columns explained

  • url we will store the current page url without query params.
  • ref, utm_medium, utm_source, utm_campaign columns will contain the values from the eponymous query params.
  • referer - we will store HTTP_REFERER to know from which website user came
  • data column will contain an array of all query params from the url.
  • uuid column will be the unique identifier for the user, will talk about it more below


To track the params on user’s each page visit, we will use a Middleware for that.

php artisan make:middleware TrafficMiddleware

Register your TrafficMiddleware

For Laravel 11

Add TrafficMiddleware::class to your bootstrap/app.php file

return Application::configure(basePath: dirname(__DIR__))
    ->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
    ->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {

For Laravel 10

Add TrafficMiddleware::class to your app/Http/Kernel.php file’s web middleware group

protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [


As we do not have auth users, we should somehow identify unique users for visits. For that we will use uuid and store it in session. I prefer to store it for 30 days, as users do not buy immediately, we still want to know from where they visited website for the first time. Feel free to change that to any days you want.

if (request()->hasCookie('uuid')) {
    $uuid = request()->cookie('uuid');
} else {
    $uuid = Str::uuid()->toString();
    Cookie::queue('uuid', $uuid, 60 * 24 * 30);

    'ip' => $request->ip(),
    'uuid' => $uuid,
    'url' => Str::before($request->getRequestUri(), '?'),
    'ref' => $request->get('ref') ?? $request->get('referrer'),
    'utm_medium' => $request->get('utm_medium'),
    'utm_source' => $request->get('utm_source'),
    'utm_campaign' => $request->get('utm_campaign'),
    'referer' => Str::before($request->server('HTTP_REFERER'), '?'),
    'data' => $request->all(),

Feel free to exclude any uri’s that you don’t want to store.

Full code for middleware. I cover it in try/catch in case something goes wrong, to not interrupt users visits.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use App\Models\Traffic;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class TrafficMiddleware
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Closure(Request): (Response)  $next
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
        try {
            if (! Str::contains($request->getRequestUri(), [
            ])) {

                if (request()->hasCookie('uuid')) {
                    $uuid = request()->cookie('uuid');
                } else {
                    $uuid = Str::uuid()->toString();
                    Cookie::queue('uuid', $uuid, 60 * 24 * 30);

                    'ip' => $request->ip(),
                    'uuid' => $uuid,
                    'url' => Str::before($request->getRequestUri(), '?'),
                    'ref' => $request->get('ref') ?? $request->get('referrer'),
                    'utm_medium' => $request->get('utm_medium'),
                    'utm_source' => $request->get('utm_source'),
                    'utm_campaign' => $request->get('utm_campaign'),
                    'referer' => Str::before($request->server('HTTP_REFERER'), '?'),
                    'data' => $request->all(),

        } catch (\Exception $exception) {

        return $next($request);

Match visit with purchase

This example is made for LemonSqueezy orders, but can be used with any other payments provider.

When user makes a purchase, we need to match the purchase with the visit. For that we will use the uuid that we stored in session.

LemonSqueezy checkout url accepts custom params, so we will pass the uuid to the checkout url and LemonSqueezy will return it back to us in the webhook.

Add uuid to the checkout url

In your plans section, get the uuid from session and pass to the checkout url.

$uuid = request()->cookie('uuid');

$attributes['buy_now_url'] . '?checkout[custom][uuid]=' . $uuid;

To learn more about LemonSqueezy for Non-Auth Users check out the tutorial here

For Vue users, to be sure that cookie is available for the first visit, create a new route to get the uuid from the cookie and do async request to get the uuid.

const uuid = ref(null);

const getUuid = async () => {
    await axios.get("/api/uuid").then((response) => {
        uuid.value =;

onMounted(() => {

To connect our purchase with the visit, we will store the uuid in the lemon_squeezy_orders table.

Add new column to the lemon_squeezy_orders table.

public function up(): void
    Schema::table('lemon_squeezy_orders', function (Blueprint $table) {

Inside the WebhookController, we will match the purchase with the visit. (check LemonSqueezy Webhooks for Non-Auth Users for more details)

Add the uuid to the order.

(new LemonSqueezy::$orderModel)->create([
    'uuid' => $payload['meta']['custom_data']['uuid'],

That’s it! Now you can track your users visits and match them with their purchases.